How College Coaching Works

I realize that college admissions can be overwhelming. College Coaching can make the process so much easier. We begin with a complimentary 30-minute meeting to discuss what the college admissions process entails and offer an overview of a comprehensive individualized plan for your student’s success.

Families often ask when they should start using college coaches and my answer is “As soon as you are beginning to think about college admissions!”

Knowing what colleges are looking for and how admissions decisions are made, I use a highly personalized approach to get to know students as individuals with unique strengths while building on key elements such as essays, extracurricular options, and curriculum choices. Regular meetings between student and coach are key to making this happen. After each session, parents will be provided with a summary of discussion points and activities as well as student responsibilities and deadlines.

While parental input is imperative, the more a student is involved and engaged, the more fulfilling their college experience will be. College planning is a time for young adults to reflect upon their strengths, needs, priorities, and dreams while developing confidence in their own communication and decision making.

Feel free to review a sample College Coaching Services Agreement (64 KB PDF).

Contact Sue for more information.